The Qubinode Project


An easy to set up OpenShift development kit powered by Red Hat Ansible.

View the Project on GitHub Qubinode/qubinode-installer

How does DNS work in qubinode?

The qubinode-installer deploys Red Hat Identity Manager (IdM) in a VM.

The attributes for the DNS server VM are defined in samples/all.yml under IDM DNS Server. The samples/all.yml is copied to playbooks/vars/all.yml when the installer is executed. Some of the key attributes are listed below.

These should not be changed without understanding the ramifications:

These values are either set during the install or can be set by the user:

You can force a static ip address on the idm server by setting the following.

cd qubinode-installer/
vim playbooks/vars/idm.yml

# update the following values
idm_check_static_ip: yes

The IdM server can be deployed by executing.

./qubinode-installer -p idm

This in turn executes the function qubinode_vm_manager which then excutes the following:

You can remove the IdM server with. Qubinode Command

./qubinode-installer -p idm -d

Ansible command

ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy-dns-server.yml --extra-vars "vm_teardown=true"

This deletes the IdM server from the inventory/hosts file, /etc/resolv.conf on the KVM host and /etc/host on the KVM host.

Access the IdM Server

Your ssh-key was copied to IdM vm if you didn’t have one it was generated for you.

ssh qbn-dns01

The web console

You can view this password by runing this command.

ansible-vault view $HOME/qubinode-installer/playbooks/vars/vault.yml